My Content Planning Steps
My Content Planning Steps
My Content Planning Steps
In this post, I’ll be walking you through my steps of planning my social media content. To start, I follow no rules when it comes to content planning. I usually set aside a full day to work on my upcoming content. Currently, I plan my content 2 weeks in advance. With that being said, I have ideas of what I’ll like to post about a month ahead.
I post to the following social networks – Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest. Within my content planning days, I also plan for my newsletter, blog, and video series. The first network I work on is Instagram. Once the ideas are set they can easily be manipulated to the other platforms.
Step One: Write out Instagram Content
I begin by writing out what I’ll like to post on Instagram in a grid format. I started the year by posting every day but I’ve since downgraded to only posting 3 times a week with one of those posts being a reel. On my other two platforms, I post at least 5 days a week.
I create a grid-style drawing on paper and list out what I will like to post for each day. Before doing this, I will create a list of what I have upcoming within my business. This can include the launch of new products, episodes, blogs, etc.
Step Two: Design & Schedule Content for Instagram
From the grid list I previously created, I will start to design content for the next two weeks. I use a combination of Adobe Illustrator, XD and Canva to create graphics for my social media accounts.
Once all the designs are complete, I will then upload them to my Notion Instagram hub and write out the captions and hashtags for the posts. I do this to keep a record of my posts and to see how my feed would appear on Instagram. Finally, I would schedule these to Instagram using Creator Studio.
Step Three: Schedule Pinterest & Twitter Posts
I use the default Pinterest & Twitter schedulers to schedule posts. The default Pinterest scheduler only allows you to schedule up to two weeks in advance which is just perfect for me. On Pinterest, I share previous blog posts, client work, designs, quotes, and past reel videos from Instagram. I also sign into Pinterest daily and re-pin other pins to my board to create more engagement on my account.
On my Twitter, I share previous reels and blog posts weekly. I also share the same content I post on Instagram on Twitter as well.
Step Four: Write out content for my Blog & Newsletter
Over the years, I’ve placed a lot of focus on my blogs but as of recent, I’ve taken a step back from writing one every month. I write and post a blog post now once every two months or so it all depends on when I have solid content to write about.
My Newsletter is something I send out every month which has now become a main focus of mine. I have about a year’s worth of newsletter topics, because I send out a newsletter once a month. For each month I will select which topic best fits the upcoming month and send it out to my subscribers.
And there you have it, my four-step social content planning outline. This may look different for you depending on your business and what your main focus is.
Previously I shared how I planned my content using ClickUp*. Although I no longer use ClickUp to plan my content you can refer to this post if you’re using ClickUp for your content planning.

Until next time…