Getting Started with your Youtube Channel
Getting Started with your Youtube Channel
Getting Started with your Youtube Channel
It’s pretty easy to up and start a Youtube Channel but for it to be somewhat successful you’ll need to have a strategy behind your channel. If you’re looking to expand your existing blog into videos this will work for you as well. First, you’ll need to determine the goal of your youtube channel and also determine what value your videos will give to your subscribers/viewers.
Channel Strategy
Have a solid plan on the type of content you’ll like to put out to the public on your channel. This is something that will be set in stone, as you will be changing direction as your channel grows. With all this in mind consider how you will like to position your channel now, this can be tutorials, vlogs, college videos, tech videos, branding, etc.
Filming Strategy
Decide how you will like to film your videos. It can be a professional set-up, casual, or vlog style. Professional is where you’ll have the HQ camera and lighting etc. Casual is where you can film within your area but it just isn’t a professional studio. Vlog style is where you’d take the camera around with you throughout your day.
Before you film your videos make sure you script out each video beforehand. This will make it much easier when it comes to filming. You’ll know what to say and how to say it plus you’d have a better idea of what you’ll like to accomplish for each video.

Video Strategy
How will your editing style be reflected in your videos? There are a variety of different styles you can go with when it comes to editing your videos. Your video editing style is all up to you and your brand but also keep in mind the audience you’re trying to attract.
You will also need to decide how long your videos will be. Again, this is totally up to you but keep in mind if you’re just starting with your channel it’s best to stay at the 10 min mark. If you’re doing a tutorial-style video then you can go beyond that but try not to have it too long. Edit out all the unnecessary parts of the video to make it shorter if possible.
Editing your Videos
When editing your videos don’t forget to include an intro and outro. It’s a simple task that can make a huge difference. A good intro can get people to subscribe right away. Make sure you have clean transitions, effects, and cutaways throughout your entire video. Even if you’re not a professional video editor, plugins, effects, and transitions can get you there if used correctly.
When filming your videos, try and remember to ask your viewers to like and subscribe to your channel. People like to be told what to do – so remind them when you get the chance. You can include this at the beginning or the end of your videos. Along with this, always engage with your comments if you have any. You can either like or comment back! This is a great way to get to know your audience and they will see that you value them.
Use Keywords & Hashtags
Once you’ve uploaded your video to Youtube include keywords and SEO in your video captions. You can also include hashtags so that the video can appear in more searches. When you’re new to Youtube you want to focus on optimizing your videos for Youtubes search engine.
Share your videos
Once your videos are published to your channel don’t forget to share to your other social media platforms. Sharing your videos on social media is an easy way to add additional insights to your video and engage with viewers. YouTube makes it incredibly simple for you and others to promote your video across other social networks. You can also incorporate your youtube videos into your blog posts if the content relates.
Brand your Channel
Don’t forget to brand your channel this includes your Youtube banner, thumbnails, video editing style, etc. If you have an existing website make sure your Youtube branding is consistent with your other brand site and social media platforms. When creating thumbnails use one that accurately represents your video content.
Youtube Brand Kits
I’ve listed just a few tips to consider when creating your own Youtube channel. There are more out there than can help you get your videos further but these are to get you started. If you’re not a designer and looking to brand your channel you can choose between two Youtube brand kits. These are easy to edit templates that you can use on your channel and within your videos. You can purchase both right here on the website or via Creative Market.
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Until next time…