6 myths about starting your own brand
6 myths about starting your own brand

6 myths about starting your own brand
When you’re looking to start an online brand, your research might scare you away from getting started. You might also find things that get you excited and there are some that will make you assume that starting a brand is easy and doesn’t take a lot of work. In this post, I will be sharing with you six myths about starting your own brand from my own personal experience with my online brand.
(myth 1) you must know what you’re doing
It might be helpful if you know what you’re doing but if you’re willing and have the patience to learn you’ll be able to accomplish starting your own brand. If you’re not familiar with setting up a website there are many tools out there to help you do so. You might not be familiar with everything at the start but you should have a passion for what you’re planning on doing. Once the passion is there you’re more likely to be successful with building your brand.
(myth 2) you have to start at the right time
There is no right time to becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own brand.It’s all up to you on when you should get started on your new brand. Caution – don’t prolong your decision by waiting for everything to be perfect. If you know you won’t have the time in the next few weeks you might consider starting at the top a new month. It will never be too early or too late to get started on building your own brand.
(myth 3) you need to have a lot of money
Oh no! No matter how many posts you read on this you don’t need to a have a ton of money ready to get started. Yes, starting an online brand is an investment but if you plan for it the money won’t be a strain on you. Of course, you can’t start an online brand completely free. Nothing in life is really free, right? In the beginning, you’ll need expenses such as domain, hosting, email marketing etc to get you started on the right track.
Related: Resources I use to run my online business
(myth 4) you’ll be working 24/7
As a new entrepreneur, you’ll be working longer hours on most days when you’re just starting out. However, once you’re settled and able to schedule your hours, you won’t be as long each day. Plus, you’ll be able to have more free time. You don’t have to work 24/7 to run a successful brand, you, however, need to put in the hard work to become a successful entrepreneur.
(myth 5) starting an online brand is the quickest way to make money
If you come into building your brand with this mindset chances are you’ll never be as successful as you hope. Sooner or later your followers, customers, subscribers will see that you’re only in it for the money and it will be a turnoff. Yes, we all want to make money from our business but 90% of entrepreneurs don’t make any in their first few months of business. Start a brand because you have a passion for it instead about wanting to make fast money.
(myth 6) you must have formal education and training
No, no, no. If you’re planning on starting a graphic design business you don’t necessarily need to have a degree in Graphic Design. However, you should know how to use the programs and have some form of informal training. That can be practicing your skills using the Adobe software* or taking basic online courses. While having a degree in the field of your brand will be a fantastic asset it’s not always necessary to get started.

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Until next time…