What a quality website should include
What a quality website should include
What a quality website should include
In this post, I’m going to give a few quick things that a quality website should include. It’s not always about how pretty your website is. You have to also think about the functionality, speed and copy.
Responsive Design
It’s more important than ever to have a responsively designed website. Everyone is on mobile now, surprising when some websites are still not responsive. If someone from Instagram visits your page and it’s not responsive they will write you off right away. Why? Because most people use Instagram via their mobile phones and they more than likely won’t remember to visit your site when they are on their desktops or laptops.
Solid Navigation
When your audience visits your site, they want to access your information quickly and easily. They can only do this with an accessible navigation bar that is easy to find and use. When someone gets to your website they don’t want to struggle to find out how to contact you or what services you offer. If your navigation is poor, you then discourage your audience from engaging any further on your website.
Meaningful Visuals
We all love to integrate visual elements on our website because it builds engagement. While this is great, some brands tend to go overboard with their images. Making your site too crowded with images and videos makes the visitor feel overwhelmed and your site then looks cluttered and unprofessional. Too many images and videos also make it very difficult to read your text.
If you’re adding visuals to your site create a balance between your images and text on each page. Don’t add images just for the sake of increasing your engagement. Also, use them in relation to what you’re sharing on your site. If your section is about your services the image you use should relate to the services you offer in some way.
Page Speed
You website can be the best looking one on the internet, but it won’t matter if your audience never gets to see it. Why? because your site takes forever to load so they then click away. Page speed is an extremely important element when it comes to web design. It ensures that your page loads quickly, so that your audience can access your information swiftly.
Good Copy
Your audience visits your website to obtain valuable content from you. It’s important that when they do so you offer quality copy. Good copy also keeps your audience engaged and they will stay on your page longer. The content you share on your site matters just as much as the visuals you use and the overall design. It truly important that you provide your audience with that valuable information they came for. If you find your website lacks any of the information shared above do your best to get it corrected.
Related Post: Importance of good brand strategy and design
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Until next time…