4 things your website should be doing…
4 things your website should be doing…
4 things your website should be doing…
Having a website isn’t always about how gorgeous it is. Your website should be working in your favor to capture more leads. I’ll be sharing four things your website should be doing to capture your target audience. There is also a FREE workbook included at the end of this post for you to further update your website to attract the right audience.
It should set an impression
Your website is one of the first ways your target audience might interact with you. After someone finds you on any social platform, they go to your website to learn more about you. People will judge your brand within seconds sorely base on your website. If your site is unattractive or outdated, your audience will immediately have a negative impression and leave.
It should impact your brand and build trust
A good website is important because it impacts how your targeted audience will perceive your brand. Once they visit your site they can either remain on your page and learn more about you and your brand or leave and go elsewhere. A good website will get them to stay on your page.
If it’s one thing I’ve learned is no one likes a poorly designed website. If your website looks outdated, the fonts are too large with bright colors, people won’t trust you. This is especially important if you’re offering a service or product. People won’t buy from you if they don’t trust you. They may view your website as very shady and unsecured and won’t want to insert their CC information to make a purchase from you.
A professionally designed website signals trust to your audience. Now, this isn’t always true but, it’s all in the mind. Once someone trusts your brand and feel comfortable with you, they will check you out further and eventually purchase from you.
It should showcase your personality
Your personality must also shine on your website. Don’t just bore your audience with long stories about yourself or constantly try to sell your products to them. Your website should be fun and welcoming. It’s another way to keep your audience around longer and capture even more leads. If someone visits your site and enjoys your personality they are more likely to sign up to your mailing list to see more and learn more from you.
Related Post: Importance of Good Brand Strategy & Design
It should be consistent
You want your audience to get familiar with your brand and become memorable to them. That way, when they are ready to convert they have you in mind. You also want to be consistent with your design. If your Instagram page has a certain aesthetic then your website should have the same or similar. This will further help you when it comes to brand recognition.
With that, your website needs to have the same fonts and styles throughout every page on your website. Exceptions to this will be landing pages for particular products or services. If every page on your website looks different it will be deemed unprofessional. It would also be harder when it comes to brand recognition because your audience won’t know which style is truly you.
And there you have it, 4 things your website should be doing to capture your ideal target audience. Download the FREE workbook to determine if you’re following all the right steps.

Until next time…